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Yarn World


Weapons Inc

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Weapons Inc

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Weapons Inc

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Weapons Inc

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Weapons Inc

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Weapons Inc

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Ready for some serious fun? Yarn Interactive’s games are the perfect way to unwind, connect with friends, and challenge yourself. From classic board games to cutting-edge virtual reality experiences, we’ve got something for everyone.

Games are more than just entertainment – they’re a way to explore new worlds, develop new skills, and connect with others. At Yarn Interactive, we’re dedicated to creating games that do all three.

Looking for a gaming experience that’s engaging, immersive, and unforgettable? Look no further than Yarn Interactive’s games. Our team of expert developers and designers are committed to delivering the best possible experience for gamers of all ages and backgrounds.

Ludo 3D

Ludo3D Yarn Interactive

Ludo 3D an ultimate Ludo experience, featuring stunning 3D graphics and customizable characters and environments.

Click here to Know more about the game and the release date !


Midworld is still in the concept stage. This is planned as a AAA Game for PCs and Consoles. The ideation and technical feasibility studies are going on.

A brief from the story.

Recently, the WEAVE network self-initiated a failsafe after a long hibernation and has made contact with us. We now have access to scanners that can scan the areas for ‘vaultbox’es that were thought to have been lost forever. The only problem is WEAVE has made contact with all the ships. Now every ship from every broken universe is on a hunt to get to the vault boxes!

Universe Satellite Space stations announce the sale of Plats, the space parcels that can be owned forever in the MetaMidworld. Garb and occupy your space in your preferred universe stations, The Cube, The Pyramid, and The Donut.


Listed in our future plan is a futuristic metaworld with Games, Entertainment, Learning, Skills and Socializing! The collaboration of skilled professionals and the entertainment industry will bring together an experience like never before.



Experience Unforgettable Joy with our Immersive Game Titles!